ppc tips 2024

9 PPC Tips 2024 Edition

Everyone wants to know how to make their PPC campaigns the best they can be, so we have rounded up nine top PPC tips for 2024 that you can apply to your campaigns this year.

Consider a Campaign Restructure

Sounds drastic, but following an audit of your account by a PPC professional, revising your campaign structure is likely to be one of the first steps to take. A poor campaign structure can prevent you from using all the automation capabilities available to optimise your campaigns.

Leverage Google Analytics 4 for Enhanced Remarketing

Remarketing to every person that visits your website is a waste of PPC spend and won’t deliver the results you seek. By targeting only those who visit particular pages on your site with content related to their search, you will maximise the chances of those prospects converting. With the advanced insights from Google Analytics 4, you can create more precise and effective remarketing lists.

Calculate Your Target CPA and ROAS

Before optimising campaigns to a specific CPA or ROAS using automation, you need to have these goals correctly worked out. Analyse the different marketing campaigns that take a buyer from the pre-awareness stage to conversion, determine the lifetime value per customer, and assess your margins. This analysis will guide you in setting realistic and profitable targets.

Test Your Responsive Search Ads (RSAs)

Run one RSA per ad group but try using keywords and audiences that are not your core focus. Experimenting with different keywords and audience segments can uncover new opportunities and improve your overall ad performance.

Utilise Audience Segments: Life Events

If someone has recently experienced a life change, you should leverage this in your direct response campaigns. In Google Ads, you can run promotions for specific life events such as college graduation, marriage, and moving house. These segments can be powerful in reaching individuals at pivotal moments when they are more likely to engage with your ads.

Tap Into Audience Segments: In Market

The In-Market Segment in Google Analytics shows you the breakdown of site visits for people actively interested in a particular product or service, such as those looking for a new house or home décor inspiration. Targeting these users can increase the relevance and effectiveness of your campaigns.

Explore Audience Segments: Demographics & Affinity

Targeting the right audience is crucial in PPC campaigns, and Google Analytics allows you to reach people who are most likely to click on your ads based on demographics and affinity. This ensures that your ads are shown to the most relevant and interested users.

Implement Smart Bidding Strategies

Once you have determined your target CPA and ROAS, let the system do the heavy lifting while you focus on strategy. Smart Bidding uses machine learning to optimise your bids in real time, ensuring your campaigns achieve the best possible performance.

Give Microsoft Ads a Try

Boasting some features that Google Ads doesn’t have, Microsoft Ads has proven to be increasingly effective. Its integration with LinkedIn profile targeting and lower competition for keywords make it a valuable addition to your PPC strategy.

Want more tips for your PPC? Why not contact us for a free audit of your PPC campaign.

We are based on Wirral, near Chester and Liverpool. With clients throughout the UK.